About Nicholas Lane



My name is Nicholas Lane, and I was born in Birmingham, England. I am 32 and had been working as a private tutor in England. I moved to Germany three years ago, to work as a teacher of English as a foreign language. I have many interests in sports and academics, but mainly I love to teach English.



Relevant Education and Training

November 2011-March 2012 TEFL

             Module 1 Student Motivation

             Module 2 Classroom Management and Student Levels

             Module 3 An Introduction to Grammar

             Module 4 How to Teach Grammar

             Module 5 How to Teach Vocabulary

             Module 6 How to Teach Pronunciation

             Module 7 Mistake Correction and Feedback

             Module 8 How to Teach Speaking and Writing

             Module 9 How to Teach Listening and Reading

             Module 10 Lesson Planning

             Module 11 Games in the Classroom

             Module 12 Cultural Awareness in the Classroom

Additional Modules

             One to one

             Teaching Large Classes

             Teaching Young Learners


             Grammar Awareness

             Weekend teaching experience


Provided and Accredited  I-to-I, ODLQC



I look forward to meeting and learning about you.

